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Web Hosting

1. First you must open your CPanel 2. Go to the files section and select "File Manager" 3. A new tab like this will open: 4. Go to the top left and click where it says " New Directory »5. A window will appear in which ...

The tool with which the hosting service will be administered is not a minor piece of information and most of the time we find it once we have already contracted the service, which may mean “too late”. A choice of hosting service that does not consider the administration tool can ...

If you want to read or send mail from your e-mail boxes, you must access the WebMail of your Website. To access it you must write in the address bar of your browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, etc.) the address of your Page with the addition "/ webmail /". Example: Then the system will request the ...

For various reasons we need to upload an image to be displayed instead of our website, such as when we upload a site under construction. To achieve this we will follow these simple steps. 1.- Enter our cPanel administration area with our current accesses. To enter it you must enter the address ...

Saturated disk space in your Hosting account It happens that sometimes the server of your website can no longer store more data and information because the disk space has reached the limit of its capacity (the disk space assigned to your contracted account) The reasons for this saturation is because ...

When we start working with Google Analytics, we realize that it uses specific terms that we have never heard before, knowing how to interpret that language helps to know the results of the website, therefore, every user must understand its meaning. The terms that I present to you are basic to start working on positioning ...