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Web Hosting

In different manuals that we have been developing in the Cpanel training section we have been shelving different sections of the Cpanel control panel of our Hosting. Today we are going to focus on one of the sections that webmasters most often consult to see and analyze the statistics of their web pages, the section of ...

If you have had an email account or several of them configured in your hosting for a long time, it may be that for whatever reason, you do not remember their passwords. you have lost them or you simply want to change their passwords for others to greatly improve their security. How to Change the Password of ...

  This may be something that is not widely known about it, but when a web hosting is hired, a web hosting account is created with a cPanel control panel included. When the Hosting account is created, a default email account is created by default that practically almost no one uses, ...

In most CMS (WordPress, Joomla !, PrestaShop, etc ...) the use of databases is essential since they have all the information that users request. Sometimes we can find ourselves with the need to change the password of a database, for security, because we have restored one ...

Doing a little cleaning through our Hosting control panel is always a good idea. This option that we are going to indicate is not that it is something very common to do, but we must know that in cPanel there is an option to completely delete an Email account, that for example we no longer use or not ...

Email is one of the inventions of the century. People who use it on a daily basis forget that not long ago we had to send letters by ordinary mail that took days to reach their destination or invest a fortune in a fax machine. But email has a serious problem that ...