Web Hosting
Iniciando con el administrador cPanel
El administrador cPanel es un panel en el cual te permite gestionar los diferentes servicios como gestión de archivos, administración de correos, dominios, zona DNS, control de SPAM, filtros de correo, sitios web, aplicaciones, tareas CRON, protección de carpetas, bases de datos, entre otros. Ahora explicaremos como iniciar y conocer algunas de las características que tiene …
Redireccionar dominios desde cPanel
Puede haber ocasiones donde será necesario redirigir el tráfico de un dominio a otro o también redirigir páginas específicas como midominio.com/info.html a miotrodominio.net/otrapagina.html esto se puede lograr de manera sencilla desde cPanel o de manera alternativa, editar el archivo .htaccess directamente para personalizar las reglas de redireccionamiento. Redirigir dominio Paso 1: iniciar sesión en …
What are the data centers like?
All the information contained in the cloud is enormous, because the information stored within the servers is of the utmost importance. Companies resort to creating data centers, these provide that all this information cannot be destroyed in some way, for example, if the company ...
What is hosting?
Today it is known as cloud hosting. It is a server that allows meeting the needs of the user since there are a large number of users, there are different types of hostings or different servers. Baremetal server: it focuses on a need since all the ram memory, among other components, are dedicated ...
5 advantages of hiring your own cloud hosting
Although today it may seem that social networks are everything, the truth is the priorities of these services at best change and at worst, they simply disappear. For example, ten years ago it was possible to upload long clips to blip.tv and today, it no longer exists, since all its ...
Hosting comparison: Godaddy vs KIUBIX
Why host your web project on KIUBIX? A question that is usually received in KIUBIX is why they prefer its cloud hosting service or web hosting before that of other companies that include it with the sale of domains or proprietary platforms. As we are short, concise and to the point, we have the 8 reasons ...