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En un mundo donde los datos son omnipresentes, la habilidad para interpretarlos correctamente es más crucial que nunca. La «ceguera estadística» es un fenómeno preocupante, donde la mala interpretación de datos estadísticos puede llevar a conclusiones erróneas y decisiones mal informadas. Este texto tiene como objetivo desmitificar este concepto y proporcionar ejemplos claros para una …

Emprender un viaje emprendedor es una empresa emocionante llena de potencial y oportunidades. Sin embargo, iniciar un negocio requiere una base sólida, una planificación cuidadosa y las herramientas adecuadas para garantizar el éxito. En este artículo, exploraremos los conceptos básicos para abrir un negocio y presentaremos una variedad de ideas de negocio adecuadas para diversas …

In a listening to the 'Cracks' podcast on creativity and marketing, Mexican publicist Pico Covarrubias mentioned to the host (Oso Trava) about how the philosophy of 'The Four Agreements' and how it has served him in managing the staff of his agency of marketing. 'The Four Agreements' come from the homonymous book of the Mexican writer ...

Paul Rulkens is a productivity expert whose theories are applied by companies such as the oil company Exxon and the consulting firm McKinsey. From an engineering background, Rulkens has established himself as a respected author of business books and rose to mainstream fame thanks to a TEDx talk about why most ...

You have to make something clear: a customer who returns and returns is better, even with loyalty benefits like the ones you can manage from an administration system like Adminit, to one who only bought once and never returned to your business. The objective of this article is to decipher the brand loyalists or your ...

Eye love is born. And on the internet the star element is not the CMS or the programming but the typography with which we present ourselves to our users, on our websites (it also helps to have a good hosting service). Even without a single image, an attractive typographic game allows you to captivate ...