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- Get your prices right. Do you know how a price increase or decrease can affect your income? - How to raise prices. Strategies to avoid customer rejection. - My price is not negotiated Strong arguments to defend the price of your product or service. - How to do an intelligent sales management. If you analyze your portfolio well ...

To make an offer through the new couponing platforms such as Groupon, Lets Bonus or Groupalia, they will require you to offer a discount of between 30% and 80% on your usual price. In addition, they will charge you a commission per sale that can reach 50%. With these conditions, surely you are already ...

Pata negra strategy But let's not forget that we are talking about products aimed at a demanding public, not the luxury consumer in the traditional sense. And that means that the whole strategy must be adapted to it. The product. They are articles that stand out above the average in their category, well because they have a point ...

According to data from the Internet World Stats, referring to 2012, Spain ranks 18th worldwide in users and 7th in Europe, with a penetration of 67.2%, four points higher than the European Union, which is in 63.2% and well above the world average, which is ...

How to kill a product The correct process goes through the following steps. The first is the analysis of the reasons why the product has not been successful. If there is a remedy, put it, to try to maintain it, but if there is no solution, eliminate it. As Gerard Costa insists, the internal workshop must be done constantly: at least ...

The best ingredients Adapt the composition to the space you have. As Almudena Martín insists, “what the articles say is as important as where they are. We seek to reduce all art to the maximum Less is more. The object is mainly made up of the space that surrounds it and taking care of how it surrounds it is ours ...