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Para realizar una venta en el sistema tendremos que localizar el apartado de Ventas >> Punto de ventas >> Seleccionamos la caja a la cual se le aplicará la venta. Una vez echo esto buscamos el producto que se venderá y lo agregamos. Nos mostrará el producto o productos agregados, en donde podremos cambiar, …

Incorporación del Marketing Experiencial Hoy en día las empresas tienen que saber diferenciarse de la competencia para ello se le llama la atención al consumidor a través de historias llenas de emoción amor pasión y tristeza. Por lo que es fundamental incorporar el marketing experiencial y emocional al plan de marketing digital de las empresas …

The differences between traditional marketing strategies vs. experiential marketing are distinguished by the following aspects: Traditional Marketing: It is based on characteristics, functions and quality of service. Consumers are rational about the buying process. There is contact with consumers. It is oriented towards an economic reciprocity. Characterized by massive advertising. Experiential Marketing: It is based on ...

When managing a company, there are several acronyms that we come across and, if the subject is about technology, they seem to multiply, right? A very common question is what is a CRM and how does this type of software work. Therefore, if you still do not use a Customer Relationship platform ...

Although the conventional communication bases are the same, inside and outside the digital world, the latter world has keys and peculiarities that we must understand to speed up our sales through internet channels. We share 3 secrets to make your communication more efficient 1. Clarity, please Redundancy is part of the lack of ...

Although reviews on Facebook or Google are super important for the reputation of your brand, you should not miss out on transferring some favorable opinions to your own website (which must have a quality hosting service), to improve the perception of your brand to picky or undecided consumers. Here, …