Management In Your Company
- Business centers. When should you settle in one? We tell you what they consist of, the services they offer and their cost. - How to do an inventory. It is a task that, due to laziness or ignorance, tends to be delayed longer than it should. But doing so has its advantages. - How to do a SWOT. The simplest and most effective method to make decisions. ...
Is Your Machine Well Greased?
Imagine that you have been in the market for two years, you are not selling everything you expected and the viability of your project is faltering. "Entrepreneurs foresee, for the first year, sales of 100, and later the reality prevails and they only sell 20. They foresee margins of 7% and only earn 1%", summarizes José Luis ...
Tricks to keep your balance
What can we do to improve the deadlock of your company? You can only make two big decisions: either increase margins or reduce overhead costs. We have spoken with financial experts and they have made us the following recommendations and, beware, the following warnings: 1. Raise your prices. The first 'manual' strategy is to raise the price of your product or service. Always, of course, that your product or ...
Get out of the blockade!
Discover your potential The worst enemy of a businessman in a crisis situation can be himself. Fear prevents you from seeing all the solutions available to you to overcome the situation. In this sense, San Segundo explains that “anything can be a resource. We are going to see all the knowledge that we have and that ...
The Art of Shopping
Seven key points The IDE-CESEM business school points out seven points that must be optimized in the purchasing function in order to gain competitiveness: 1. Supplies, on time. The basic premise is to get the right materials and services with the right quality, in the right quantity and at the right price, and from the right supplier. But if the flow is not assured in time ...
How to take an inventory
WHEN TO DO IT? Carrying out an inventory at least once a year is still a legal requirement to the extent that any company must value its inventory with a view to closing the accounting. For that reason, many companies often take advantage of the end of the fiscal year to tally their assets. This annual inventory is a ...