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At the moment there is a pending debt of unpaid commercial bills of 1,830 million euros, "a figure that would multiply if we considered all the debts derived from operations in which no banking entity intervenes and that are many", assures Carlos García Rioja, President of the Spanish Association for the Prevention of Bad Debts ...

1. Prepare two treasury statements “Treasury planning is the main financial management instrument you have. Forget about the operating account ... that's fine, but since you are going to have a negative Ebitda, what else does the operating account give you? What it is about is not ...

Contact before One of the keys to success is to get ahead of our rivals, either because there may be someone who claims first or because there is a relationship between time and collection effectiveness: the longer it takes to claim, the less chance there is of culminating successful management. As explained from Credit ...

More and more companies have discovered the vein of the self-employed, the SME and the entrepreneur as a customer. Not surprisingly, it represents almost 95% of the Spanish business fabric. It is a public with common features, similar needs and problems that require a solution. It is not yet a general trend, but there are those who ...

Pata negra strategy But let's not forget that we are talking about products aimed at a demanding public, not the luxury consumer in the traditional sense. And that means that the whole strategy must be adapted to it. The product. They are articles that stand out above the average in their category, well because they have a point ...

The best ingredients Adapt the composition to the space you have. As Almudena Martín insists, “what the articles say is as important as where they are. We seek to reduce all art to the maximum Less is more. The object is mainly made up of the space that surrounds it and taking care of how it surrounds it is ours ...