7 crazy ideas to earn money
1. Virtual Gamer Almost half a million people in China are making money by playing a game, winning the gold and selling it to other players with too much time on their hands and a burning credit card in their pocket! The phenomenon that is World of Warcraft, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, has…
Technology in the company
- Basic 'software' to start your company Accounting, billing, sales, CRM, order management, payroll, ... we analyze the solutions that exist in the market and which ones best suit the needs of a new business. - 'Cloud computing' for SMEs Storage accessible from any device, business management programs ... discover what the cloud can do for ...
Learn to buy
Leaving shopping for the last second, staying with the first thing we see without comparing or using phrases like “I need it” every time we are in front of a sideboard, they make us spend more. My grandmother always remembers her friend Cuca, because in addition to being nice and jacarandous like herself, she was the one who “taught her…
Put a CRM in your company
Among this situation… Company: Pickles La Salesa. Good morning Client: Good morning, my name is Fulanito Pérez and I am calling from the company La Comedora feliz. This is the third time I have called to claim an order that I made two weeks ago. Company: Excuse me, Mr. Pérez, do you remember the name of the person who attended you? Client: What do I know, I suppose it would be ...
Mobile commerce knocks on your door
Underdeveloped habit However, still, as Felipe Romero, director of The Cocktail Analysis, points out, “the buying habit is underdeveloped.” The same IAB study indicates that the 54% of smartphone users have never bought ... but that the 4% does it daily and the 7%, weekly. For now, the most natural, according to ...
Out on the street ... for a while
Although the files for the suspension of the contract or the reduction of the working day were figures already included in the Spanish labor legislation, the truth is that it was not until 2009 that we began to become familiar with them. But what is a suspension ERE? "The record of suspension of the employment contract is the procedure of ...