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Why a company with sustained growth over time, which manages to invoice at the worst moment of the economic crisis 60 million euros and that operates in a score of countries, is forced to give up 55 million euros in insured orders because do not get bank financing? This is the …

The dilemma is much more common than it may seem. First, because one of the main characteristics of startups is that “you don't always look for income from minute zero. There are companies that need to generate a lot of traffic first and then that is when they begin to have a certain possibility of generating income. But until …

Change in the statutes Increasing the share capital will give your business project greater strength and an image of seriousness, for example, before investors and credit institutions. In any case, you should know that such an operation “involves modifying the bylaws and, therefore, requires the approval of the general shareholders' meeting. Although …

1. Prepare two treasury statements “Treasury planning is the main financial management instrument you have. Forget about the operating account ... that's fine, but since you are going to have a negative Ebitda, what else does the operating account give you? What it is about is not ...

- Get your prices right. Do you know how a price increase or decrease can affect your income? - How to raise prices. Strategies to avoid customer rejection. - My price is not negotiated Strong arguments to defend the price of your product or service. - How to do an intelligent sales management. If you analyze your portfolio well ...

To make an offer through the new couponing platforms such as Groupon, Lets Bonus or Groupalia, they will require you to offer a discount of between 30% and 80% on your usual price. In addition, they will charge you a commission per sale that can reach 50%. With these conditions, surely you are already ...