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Expensive procedures The process to obtain a patent is complex. For an SME, the cost can be a very important effort, especially if protection is sought in several countries: Spanish patent. "An application processed by a legal office specialized in industrial property can amount to approximately 700–1,300 euros, depending on the complexity," says Del Valle. "Usually, …

Although the files for the suspension of the contract or the reduction of the working day were figures already included in the Spanish labor legislation, the truth is that it was not until 2009 that we began to become familiar with them. But what is a suspension ERE? "The record of suspension of the employment contract is the procedure of ...

Innovation is a competitive factor that acquires more value every day as a differentiating element. However, to ensure that no one takes advantage of your ingenuity, the solution is to protect your product or service. With the registration of the patent -both in Spain and abroad-, you will avoid plagiarism by others or, at worst ...

Innovation should be on the roadmap of any company that boasts of being competitive. But, to really be effective, it must be protected. The patent is one of the most recommended options. Prepare a good fact. Evaluate the costs and benefits of the patent. Among the first you have to value both ...

- The entrepreneur's shopping basket. It neglects its expenses, it is loyal to its suppliers ... this is how it consumes the 95% of the Spanish business fabric. - The one who does not claim, does not collect Delinquency: How to be the first to collect when a client shows to have payment problems. - How to tie your treasury well. Negotiate payment terms to ...

We introduce you to Pepe de Sastre and Pepa Cala Midad. They are a happy couple with two children: Paquito, the eldest, has turned eight, and Currita, the youngest, six. His life is going normally in almost all respects. Except for one thing, they are an absolute disaster when it comes to money. They both work and have good salaries. But they can't ...