Avoid conflicts when asking for money
Before answering that question, it is useful to clarify some of the false beliefs that exist in general about the responsibilities of entrepreneurs. The first and most dangerous, that creating a Limited Company or a Public Limited Company protects one hundred percent of the entrepreneur's assets. Absolutely false. The second, that if we put personal property at ...
Deducting is simple ... if you know how
The challenge of deducting taxes When it comes to deducting taxes, there are three types of taxes and ways through which the deduction of our expenses can be materialized: the payment of VAT, the declaration of personal income tax, in case of being an individual entrepreneur, and, if It is a company, the liquidation of the Corporation Tax. In the first case, both SMEs and ...
What if the defaulter is me?
Whoever is risk-free to cast the first stone. Unfortunately, nowadays no one is safe from encountering a specific moment of lack of liquidity or a bad debt problem that unintentionally turns us into defaulters. As they explain from Crédito y Caución, “the 56% of Spanish companies ...
How to avoid delinquency
At the moment there is a pending debt of unpaid commercial bills of 1,830 million euros, "a figure that would multiply if we considered all the debts derived from operations in which no banking entity intervenes and that are many", assures Carlos García Rioja, President of the Spanish Association for the Prevention of Bad Debts ...
Lack of funding
Why a company with sustained growth over time, which manages to invoice at the worst moment of the economic crisis 60 million euros and that operates in a score of countries, is forced to give up 55 million euros in insured orders because do not get bank financing? This is the …
How to monetize your business
The dilemma is much more common than it may seem. First, because one of the main characteristics of startups is that “you don't always look for income from minute zero. There are companies that need to generate a lot of traffic first and then that is when they begin to have a certain possibility of generating income. But until …