Web development
Html accents and eñes problems: charset UTF-8 / ISO-8859-1
The coding of web pages (charset) is a recurring problem for webmasters, because: It depends on the editor in which the web was made, if we work by default in UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1. If the original file was written in ISO-8859-1 and we edit it in UTF-8, we will see the badly encoded special characters. Yes …
Redirect to another web page with php
Simple redirection To redirect the visitor to another page (especially useful in a conditional loop), just use the following code: Where mypage represents the address of the page to which you want to redirect. This address can be absolute and can have parameters of the form mypage.php? Param1 = val1¶m2 = val2). Relative / absolute path Theoretically, it is better to prefer ...
Upload an image of a construction site to your Web Hosting
For various reasons we need to upload an image to be displayed instead of our website, such as when we upload a site under construction. To achieve this we will follow these simple steps. 1.- Enter our cPanel administration area with our current accesses. To enter it you must enter the address ...
Disable the wp-cron.php file to avoid excessive server consumption
What does the wp-cron.php file work for? The wp-cron.php file meets the following characteristics: Checking for updates of templates and installed plugins. Backup processes. Publish articles on specific dates. How do I disable the wp-cron.php file? The file is located in the root of our website, however the file to modify is ...
Icons for your website
11 New Icons fa-rub fa-ruble (alias) fa-ruble (alias) fa-pagelines fa-stack-exchange fa-arrow-circle-o-right fa-arrow-circle-o-left fa-caret-square- o-left fa-toggle-left (alias) fa-dot-circle-o fa-wheelchair fa-vimeo-square fa-try fa-turkish-lira (alias) fa-plus-square-o Icons for web application fa- adjust fa-anchor fa-archive fa-arrows fa-arrows-h fa-arrows-v fa-asterisk fa-ban fa-bar-chart-o fa-barcode fa-bars fa-beer fa-bell fa-bell-o fa-bolt fa-book fa-bookmark fa-bookmark-o fa-briefcase fa-bug fa-building-o fa-bullhorn fa-bullseye fa-calendar fa-calendar-o fa-camera fa-camera-retro fa-caret -square-o-down fa-caret-square-o-left ...
Tutorial Google Analytics, AdWords advertising (10 of 20)
The user who carries out campaigns in Google AdWords studies the CTR, impressions, costs, clicks ... but if we want to improve the optimization of advertising, Google Analytics is our tool. Let's start from the basics, Google AdWords is a method based on a cost per click (CPC) system, it consists in that the advertiser pays when ...