Los inventos de Nikola Tesla
Fueron cientos los descubrimientos de este personaje y la gran mayoría revolucionaron el mundo, aunque él no fuera consciente de esto en vida. Bobina Tesla (1891). Este transformador eléctrico, compuesto por varios circuitos acoplados, era capaz de disparar rayos, enviar corrientes eléctricas a través del cuerpo y crear vientos de electrones. El inventor utilizó diferentes variantes …
La importancia de un buen Modelo Mental en la creación de un producto
¿Qué es un modelo mental? Se trata de la idea o forma en que un usuario concibe que algo funciona (como lo entiende e interactúa con el), Una definición formal de Kenneth Craik (1968) dice que: «Es un mecanismo a escala del pensamiento mediante el cual un ser humano, intenta explicar cómo funciona el mundo …
The best free fonts for your web project in 2020, according to an expert
According to the website of Tobias Van Schenider, one of the most recognized UX / UI experts among the startup world (for example, he was creative director for Spotify and NASA projects), that the fonts are from little-known creators, or independent digital foundries does not mean that they are of poor quality to create ...
Pixar's 22 Storytelling Lessons Are Valuable Selling Tips
One of the hottest marketing buzzwords these days is the famous Storytelling, which is just the flashy way to talk about something that good salespeople, advertisers, marketers, and communicators have always done: create an engaging narrative to sell better. Some of the best storytellers, of course, tend to ...
Get to know a webapp so you never run out of ideas in UI
Although I am totally foreign to the development of applications or websites, except for simple edits to ready-made WordPress themes, in the world of Twitter design communities I found a curiosity that will delight (or at least be useful) for those dedicated to the User Interface or UI. It is about UIBOT, a small webapp ...
I share the following page which is very useful for those who want to learn a little more about web technologies and some programming languages. Some of their courses are: