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En un mundo donde los datos son omnipresentes, la habilidad para interpretarlos correctamente es más crucial que nunca. La «ceguera estadística» es un fenómeno preocupante, donde la mala interpretación de datos estadísticos puede llevar a conclusiones erróneas y decisiones mal informadas. Este texto tiene como objetivo desmitificar este concepto y proporcionar ejemplos claros para una …

Fueron cientos los descubrimientos de este personaje y la gran mayoría revolucionaron el mundo, aunque él no fuera consciente de esto en vida. Bobina Tesla (1891). Este transformador eléctrico, compuesto por varios circuitos acoplados, era capaz de disparar rayos, enviar corrientes eléctricas a través del cuerpo y crear vientos de electrones. El inventor utilizó diferentes variantes …

Eye love is born. And on the internet the star element is not the CMS or the programming but the typography with which we present ourselves to our users, on our websites (it also helps to have a good hosting service). Even without a single image, an attractive typographic game allows you to captivate ...

A visual style that does not go out of style is that of duotone images, which have one of their lightest in Spotify advertising in which stock photographs have been intervened to show graphics in green and dark tones, exclusively. Although it is not a new trend, and for years ...

Brainstorming or brainstorming is a creative process in which ideas are discussed and compared. During this type of meeting, he talks about all the proposals that the team members come up with, with the aim of solving a specific problem or applying them to a project or job. ...

With the arrival of new technologies, the possibility of creating new careers that help to improve and / or replace these technologies created with a better perspective of the future has been opened. As is known today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating new jobs and as it continues to develop it will create more than 58 million ...