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When creating an email account I get the following error: No specific error was returned with the failed API call. How do i solve this? The error is found after having migrated a hosting account and the folder etc located in / root of the accounts is lost ...

Email is one of the most used communication tools professionally. But it has a drawback: junk mail or spam, which floods our mailboxes and wastes our time. Junk mail or junk mail is the one that you receive in your inbox without having requested it. It is usually ...

We find 2 mail configurations in Outlook, in Mail or in any other mail manager: POP or IMAP. We can choose between the 2 configurations, but which is really the best configuration? POP mailbox When we use this configuration, Outlook checks if there is mail, what it will do is ask the server is there new mail? and if there is it ...

Mail can import messages from other mail apps. You can also import mailboxes that you have exported from Mail to use as backups. Import mailboxes Select File> Import Mailboxes. Select a source from the list, read the information below the list, and click Continue. Some options require the ...

A signature is a small text automatically inserted by the messaging client (Outlook or Outlook Express) at the end of the email. The signature can be very practical especially to insert your data at the end of a message. To define a signature in Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, just follow the steps that ...

To configure our corporate email on our cell phone, the first thing to do is make sure you have: 1. Your email address 2. Password Within the menu of our phone, we slide to the left and click on settings: