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Have you ever been uninhibited by drinking alcohol? Don't you know why you said what you hadn't said before? The next day did you feel sorry for everything that happened? With alcoholic beverages it is very easy to lose control, but all this has an explanation and is in your brain. In an interview for UNAM Global, Eduardo Calixto ...

With information from the UNAM: Obesity not only has to do with eating behavior or sedentary lifestyle, factors such as lack of synchronicity in our daily activities and the cycles of light and dark in the environment also contribute. Thus, sleep deprivation, night work or 24 by 24 hours ...

Stress is an automatic and natural response of the body to challenging situations; positive, negative or imaginary changes are capable of triggering it. It is necessary to have stimuli and to act before daily life, explained Argentina Robledo Domínguez, psychologist of the General Directorate of Health Care of the UNAM. It is a bad of ...

We launched a new section on Webirix that could also be called Books That Changed My Life, as cheesy as it sounds. Rompe la Barrera del No (Spanish version) or Never Split the Difference (in English) is a book (relatively short) that is part of the trend of combining self-help advice with business theory, ...