What is the Agender?
Agender is a system that will help you manage your appointments and keep track of your clients automatically.
Links that might interest you:
How to Add a Pending in Agender?
To access we click on the left side menu on a yellow icon or on the green menu on the button. To register a new earring we write in the New earring box and click on save as shown below: TUTORIALS [vsw id = »WIzIagb7OEE» source = »youtube» width = »640 ″ height =» 344 ″ autoplay = »no »] [Vsw id =» J8dJZv_brLU »source =» youtube »…
How to Add an Appointment in Agender?
Appointments can be made in 2 ways, one of them from the calendar or from the main menu. From the calendar: To register an appointment from the calendar, just click on the box of the day on which you want to make the appointment. From the menu: We go to the main menu, there we give ...
How to Add a Client in Agender?
To register a client it is necessary to do the following: 1. Enter the registration form in the following ways: 1. From the Home page of the system, in the New clients section, click on the Add button. 2. From the right side menu of the green color in Customers, Customer Registration. 2. We will fill in the ...
How to set up your account in Agender?
In your account settings you can edit your personal data and change your password. To configure your account you must carry out the following steps: 1. Enter the registration form in the following ways: 1. From the left side menu we click the Settings button. 2. We can also access from ...
How to Login to Agender?
On the login page, clients will be able to access, as well as the system administrator, but with the difference that the client will only be shown their appointments. To enter you only need to enter the username and password Note: the username and password will be sent by KIUBIX staff. TUTORIAL [vsw id = »HOHvKQ9QlqI» source = »youtube»…