Many of us have heard about electronic invoicing, and of course, if it came to revolutionize the world of tax collection, for the state, and the way in which taxes are paid, for taxpayers. Due to this great importance is that we decided to bring this article so you know why they are so important and ...

The world of e-commerce is a very competitive market, with thousands of pages being opened every day, it is difficult to know if you sell more than the competition, for this reason the administrators of these pages are usually staunch researchers and they try to apply the majority of techniques. It is for this reason that we bring to ...

One of the most important points when you want your potential customers to buy, or for your customers to make a purchase again, is the shopping experience. This is no stranger to online businesses, but it is one of the most neglected at the moment ...

Competition is everywhere, and it is not for nothing that we find it in digital markets. From trying to offer faster shipments, or a better quality of the product, sellers are always thinking about how to stand out from other companies, but an aspect that is usually left at the end and has great relevance ...

Although you know that electronic commerce is imposing throughout the world, it may be that you are not aware of how advanced it is in Mexico, with which this data or group of data will help you realize that it may be that you are being left behind in the whole thing of ...

If you are under 20 years old, e-commerce has been present in your life since you began to have purchasing power. Maybe it was not so popular at first, but those enthusiasts who went to the web to find their products with the best price, in the best promotions or simply because not ...