It seems incredible, but finally the developers have heard our prayers and WhatsApp will incorporate end-to-end encryption in its coversaciones. This feature was already included in other competing applications, as we already highlighted, for example, in the Telegram analysis. There has been talk on many occasions about the poor security of this ...

A signature is a small text automatically inserted by the messaging client (Outlook or Outlook Express) at the end of the email. The signature can be very practical especially to insert your data at the end of a message. To define a signature in Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, just follow the steps that ...

  We all like fun facts on any topic that catches our attention. I bring you 10 curious facts that perhaps you did not know about the Internet, from how many people look for things that they do not, to the impact that the Internet has brought to have everyone connected. The data is represented as a ...

  If you consider yourself a geek for sure some of these titles sound familiar, otherwise you can't stop watching them. The subject of information technology and computers has inspired the production of films, which through different perspectives, manage to capture the attention of viewers, and in some cases can imply ...

  When buying a point of sale online, one of the main questions is: Will it work with my printer? Normally, online points of sale send printing directly from the Internet browser. In this tutorial we will see how to adjust the printing from the Firefox browser The first thing is to enter the browser ...

Her name was Tay, and it took her longer to learn to hold a conversation than to be recalled. It was created, according to Microsoft, as an experiment to learn more about the interaction between computers and human beings. It was a computer program designed to maintain an informal conversation on social networks and ...