For various reasons we need to change our password to access our cPanel, it is even advisable to do it constantly. To achieve this we will follow these simple steps. 1.- Enter our cPanel administration area with our current accesses. To enter it you must enter the address of your domain adding at the end "/ cpanel". Example: ...

WordPress has become one of the most popular tools when it comes to publishing content on the web, designing web pages or creating applications in the cloud. In this post we are going to explain one of the easiest ways to install this famous script and it is using the tools of our Control Panel Cpanel, ...

SSH is a protocol by which we from our PC can access the server remotely as if it were a Linux terminal. We are going to see a small introduction about it. First we must make sure that our account has access by SSH. Accounts generally do not have access by default, if we need it, we will contact you ...

Web design is an activity that consists of the planning, design and implementation of websites. It is not simply a conventional design application, as it requires taking into account navigability, interactivity, usability, information architecture and the interaction of media such as audio, text, image, links and video. The Union of …

10 reasons to create your company. 10 realities to start your business in times of crisis. If we have separated one of the reasons in the headline it is for the following: in Spain there are already more than six million two hundred thousand people without work. Could there be any greater justification for us to encourage you to make your dreams come true? ...

Here are eight techniques from Key and other experts that can boost your creativity to find profitable business ideas: Ask yourself: What's next? Successful business ideas are usually the ones that are one step ahead of what exists. Think about the trends and technologies that are on the horizon and how ...