Configure BoxTrapper
BoxTrapper works as a spam filter for email addresses. The filter works through a "challenge-response" check. When an email reaches an account with BoxTrapper, a confirmation message is automatically sent as a reply. This verification message requires the original sender to reply to ...
Basic commands for SSH
The simplest ... What is SSH? You will find a very clear explanation and something else by following this link. But in summary, it is a way in which you manage your remote server in a fast and secure way, although… it is not as easy to use as an FTP. The difficulty is that this is a non-visual system, ...
How to install RVSiteBuilder from command line (Linux)
1 ssh to the server as root and run # / Usr / local / cpanel / scripts / makecpphp (Don't fill this if your server doesn't have makecpphp) run 2. download the installer using the following command: #cd / usr / local / cpanel / whostmgr / docroot / cgi / #rm-rf / usr /…
5 tips to improve customer service
Achieving excellence and improving customer service is a path that your company must travel constantly, making it not a mere act but a habit. Achieving excellence and improving customer service is a path that your company must travel constantly, making it not a ...
Cloud backup
IBM Corp., Microsoft Corp., Symantec Corp., and other vendors recently announced new cloud data storage services. The good news is that, up to a point, cloud storage is real, and if used well, it can save you money. However, cloud storage is not magic, because ...
Tips or tricks for designing and creating web pages
Tips or tricks for designing and creating web pages It is almost certain that we have ever faced designing a web page. Our profession may not have anything to do with graphic design, but the inconvenience of facing a blank page with one's own creation is, at the very least, inescapable for any of ...