Change file permissions from cPanel
First in our Control Panel we will go to the Files section and we must enter File Manager. A window similar to the one in the following image will appear where we must select Web Root (public_html / www) and select the "GO" button at the bottom to enter. Within the File Manager we must identify ...
Why is the Php logo an elephant?
Php is undoubtedly one of the most powerful and popular programming languages among developers. What many do not know is why the logo of this language is a unique elephant. Here is the answer: The image clearly shows us how the letters that make up the word Php end up forming ...
Delete files in PHP
On the web it is very common to work with files that the user sends through forms. On many occasions, for our own web application to maintain the files that have been uploaded, it will be necessary to delete files from PHP. The first thing we must do is make sure that our application has permissions to be able to delete ...
Change file permissions with PHP
PHP is a very powerful backend programming language that is widely used on the web. With this language we can create, modify and delete files, but for this, those files must have the appropriate permissions, read, write, and execute. On this occasion, starting from the basis that we want to delete a file from the system, we will use the chmod function of ...
WHAT IS SICOFI? The SICOFI system is a system adapted and authorized by the ranch to issue digital invoicing, it is practical and its easy use allows it to be administered or used by anyone. First a brief description of the main screens in the billing system, enter the system, this is done by placing in ...
Logging into Kopage for the first time
To enter our site builder for the first time, it is necessary to follow the following steps: 1.- Enter our cPanel administration area with our current accesses, which we receive by mail, in case of not having them it is advisable to send a ticket to technical support. To enter it you must ...