Google Analytics tutorial… how to create and manage your account (3 of 20)
Creating an account in Google Analytics for your website is very simple, and once we are working more thoroughly with the tool, we will check how useful and intuitive it is. Let's see the steps to follow: 1. Access to the account. Enter the official Google Analytics page, if you already have gmail or google apps ...
Ten digital data that we leave recorded without knowing
The Internet is undoubtedly a wonderful tool because it allows you to communicate just one click away. However, all that is good cannot last forever. Over the years and the development of computing it became more difficult to go unnoticed, especially in the Internet world. Every time …
Ten reasons why smart phones are absolutely necessary
There is no longer any doubt that smartphones make people's lives easier. If they did not exist, many would not know how to move around on a day-to-day basis since use generates an almost total dependence on these devices. The possibilities that smart phones offer to connect with the world is practically absolute, since ...
We should all learn to code
As it says in the title, great successful people say that learning to program a computer is one of the things that we should all know how to do, but let's see why… First, I want to leave you this phrase. "Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer ... because it teaches you how to think." - Steve ...
Modify the capacity of a domain in whm
To modify the capacity of an account created in our whm system, all you have to do is enter the option «Modify an account«, select the account «Disk Quota (MB)»