What is the role of #FakeNews in the elections?
Between now and July 1, 2018, we must be more attentive to the type of information we consume. The #FakeNews will invade social networks and you can be their victim. But what is its purpose? Deceive the user and confuse him with some false and / or manipulated or sown news. In Mexico it is very common ...
INNOVATION IN COMPANIES: Guaranteed success?
Innovation is a concept that in recent times has gained great interest, since it constitutes an important source of competitive advantage, creating value and impacting the productivity of the company, whether based on the product or service offered, on the quality of the products. processes, in marketing strategies or in ...
How do you know if your business generates profits?
One of the questions I always ask my Administration students is what is the main objective of any business? Although the answers are usually varied, in general, there is someone who says that they are the sales. At first glance that would seem to be the reason for the existence of a business, to sell every time ...
6 signs you're not ready to start yet
Be honest with yourself about what you want in life. Ask yourself if entrepreneurship is for you, and if you are ready to do it. Despite all the cute images on Instagram, not everyone is destined to be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship can lead to a life of freedom and benefit people ...
Main social and economic changes that technology will cause in 2018
Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), algorithms and other technological tools are changing people's relationship with their environment. But ... what are the main social changes that will be generated in 2018 by this digital revolution? Photo: Getty. That was one of the questions addressed by the president of Accenture for Colombia, ...
5 Reasons Why Mexico Is A Country With A Bright Digital Future
Mexico is a country that has a wide range of factors that guarantee the emergence of an absolutely innovative and updated nation. The implementation of new technologies, the wide range of possibilities that users have, the new entrepreneurial ideas that arise from our entrepreneurs, make our republic be recognized as one ...