Icons for your website
11 New Icons fa-rub fa-ruble (alias) fa-ruble (alias) fa-pagelines fa-stack-exchange fa-arrow-circle-o-right fa-arrow-circle-o-left fa-caret-square- o-left fa-toggle-left (alias) fa-dot-circle-o fa-wheelchair fa-vimeo-square fa-try fa-turkish-lira (alias) fa-plus-square-o Icons for web application fa- adjust fa-anchor fa-archive fa-arrows fa-arrows-h fa-arrows-v fa-asterisk fa-ban fa-bar-chart-o fa-barcode fa-bars fa-beer fa-bell fa-bell-o fa-bolt fa-book fa-bookmark fa-bookmark-o fa-briefcase fa-bug fa-building-o fa-bullhorn fa-bullseye fa-calendar fa-calendar-o fa-camera fa-camera-retro fa-caret -square-o-down fa-caret-square-o-left ...
Publish my website to RvSiteBiulder
To publish the page we click on Publish: After clicking on publish a box will appear that allows us to choose if we want the site or the changes made to the site to be published in the domain or in a folder, this is for when we want to see changes before posting them on the ...
Define menus and submenus in RvSiteBiulder
Defining menus and submenus The site builder allows us to define between menus and submenus, for this we carry out the following steps. Within step three we go to the pages section and click on the icon of the dates. A window will open where we can arrange the menu pages and in the same way ...
Delete pages in RvSiteBiulder
Delete pages If we want to delete any of the pages from our site for any reason, we can do it in the following way: In step three, we click on the "X" found on the right side of the page we want to delete. After clicking, a box will appear to confirm if ...
Google Analytics tutorial… in real time (5 of 20)
The company has just launched a new online marketing campaign, it consists of a contest published by various channels such as mailing, social networks, radio ... we want to know how successful the contest is having within 5 minutes of starting the action, we do not want the information tomorrow but now, what do we do? Very easy, the answer is in Google Analytics. There is …
Configure corporate emails in Mozilla Thunderbird
Open Mozilla Thunderbird We click on «create an account» or »Email». A box will appear where we will click on "skip this and use my existing email account." In the window that appears we will place: 1.-The name that will be shown to others. 2.-Our email. 3.-Password. We will click on ...