Error INDICATES THAT I DO NOT HAVE AN ASSIGNED SERIES; When this error occurs, it is because the client does not make the first configurations that are sent via email where the INITIAL FOLIO is requested to be added with which the system will begin the internal count. Solution Enter SICOFI on the left side, click ...

IT DOES NOT SHOW ANYTHING: Commonly clients speak mentioning that when they want to make an invoice or document it does not show them anything, but this error originates because there is no registered client and consequently we have no one to bill them. Solution Once we register a client, it will show us the ...

If we want to know which values are duplicated in a column, we do the following.First you must select the range of data to which the conditional formatting will be applied: Then you must go to the Home tab and in the Styles group click on Conditional Formatting and then display the Highlight cell rules menu and choose the Duplicate values option. I know …

  If we have problems when entering our Internet site or error when sending and receiving emails, it may be due to an IP block, to list our IP in the unblocked list, we do the following: We enter “kiubix. mx ”and click on“ Client Access ”, located in ...

Prestashop is one of the preferred CMS for people or companies who want to start an Internet business by creating their own online store. And it can also be yours. Here are 5 of the main advantages that this prefabricated online store system gives you: • It is very intuitive and easy to use. Others …

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