Error YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED THE CONTRACT: First of all, it should be mentioned that if the user does not sign the contract, the SICOFI system will not allow him to make digital tax receipts (CFDIs), that is why it will show us the following message.

LOGO DIMENSIONS Error: This error occurs when the dimensions allowed for the logo are exceeded and therefore the image will not be displayed in the documents.

SELECT A CERTIFICATE NUMBER error: This error is caused because the taxpayer does not have a stamp certificate assigned in the system.

Error YOU DO NOT HAVE PAPERS: Upon entering the SICOFI system, it shows the following error on the home screen, it indicates that you have finished your pages so you need to purchase more.

CERTIFICATE UPLOAD ERROR error: The error mentioned here refers to the fact that the password entered is incorrect.

Error YOU DO NOT HAVE A SEAL CERTIFICATE: If the Taxpayer does not upload a valid seal certificate, the SICOFI system will not be able to issue CFDIs and will show us an error message. Solution Carry out the procedure to obtain a seal certificate, send it to the Treasury and wait for them to authorize it to be able to upload it to the system ...