Variable names The first letter of a variable must start with lowercase Native variables or arrays must be separated by an underscore (_) each word change: $my_var Variables that are Objects must change to uppercase each word end, example: $myVar Global variables must all be capitalized, example: $MY_VAR Assignments Must ...

1. DynCSS 2. Spin Kit 3. Magic CSS3 Animation 4. Bounce.js 5. Buttons 6. Ani.js 7. Single Element CSS Spinner 8. CSS Shakes 9. Beautons 10. OdoMeter 11. Hover.CSS 12. Kite 13 Wow.js 14. Animate.CSS 15. Effeckt.css 16. Anima.js 17. Animatable 18. Tridiv

Flexbox Froggy It is a game created to learn FlexBox CSS, The objective of the game is to help the frogs reach the lilies by writing CSS code. See if you can beat all the levels! Flexbox is also a good topic because beginners can learn better handling this way and also ...

Returns true if the current user agent is a version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Supports all versions of IE, including IE 11. $.browser.msie; Returns true if the current user agent is a version of a WebKit browser (Safari, Chrome, and Opera 15+) $.browser.webkit; Returns true if the current user agent ...

To configure our corporate email on our cell phone, the first thing to do is make sure you have: 1. Your email address 2. Password Within the menu of our phone, we slide to the left and click on settings:

To be able to use our corporate emails from the gmail portal, it is necessary to carry out the following steps: -We enter our gmail account, click on the gear icon and select settings: -Now we go to the accounts tab, where we will click on " Add another email address of yours ”.