Get more benefits from your business
1. Charge for showing how the product is made? The truth is that it can be done and there are several examples that prove it. They are common in businesses linked to new forms of tourism, especially those that have to do with rural tourism, the agricultural sector. Wine tourism, for example, ...
What hours to put your business?
Three conditioning factors It's that simple: neither complex mathematical formulas nor pre-established routines. Pure hard experience. According to experts, that's what it's all about when setting schedules we talk. "It is necessary to put the three key elements -activity, customers and employees- in a shaker and beat well until you find the answer that best balances all the aspects," says Antonio ...
Steal customers from the competition.
Are there possibilities of entering a niche in your sector? Are there any unattended holes? That has not been updated? Where have the competitors trusted? Fernando Vilches has found one in the travel market: online business trips. “The vacation street business has gone down; however, companies do not ...
Eight Guidelines for Seducing Heavier Clients
1. Staff: can an SME access the best talent? SMEs have to attract and retain talent, surround themselves with an environment of prepared and committed people ”. This is, according to Gandía, the best way to deal with reluctance, which large companies can attribute to SMEs before betting on them. In this …
To be small and appear to be big!
Show strength. The general trend last year was to reduce resources. According to the Radiography of the Spanish SME 2011 prepared by Sage, "more than 60% of SMEs consider that in 2011 their situation will continue or worsen", so most will not invest in innovation (59%), new personnel (83.3% ), or real estate ...
Launch yourself into foreign trade
1. How is my company ready to export or import? We are going to answer you in Galician. Does your company have a bilingual receptionist? Can your production chain respond to high demand peaks? Do you have a sales team capable of facing the new challenge (trips, irregular schedules ...? Do you have the financial capacity to take the leap ...