Mobile commerce knocks on your door
Underdeveloped habit However, still, as Felipe Romero, director of The Cocktail Analysis, points out, “the buying habit is underdeveloped.” The same IAB study indicates that the 54% of smartphone users have never bought ... but that the 4% does it daily and the 7%, weekly. For now, the most natural, according to ...
Entrepreneurship software
Incorporating technology into the processes of a company saves costs, generates business, improves its competitiveness –and its productivity–, increases its presence in new markets, allows the generation of new products… and thus, to infinity! But, regardless of all these advantages, the implementation of technologies, more than a necessity, has become a competitive obligation, because ...
The electronic invoice
At the beginning of this year, electronic invoicing is already mandatory for large firms and small companies. And, despite its proven benefits, this billing model still does not have a massive presence, especially among SMEs. Added to this is the enormous ignorance that entrepreneurs have about what it is ...
Geolocation: utilities to improve your company
Fleet management, human resources, security services ... The applications that geolocation have in companies are more and more numerous. And it is that this system makes everything visible, that everything is known, that everything is controlled. Well, perhaps the statement sounds a bit exaggerated and even reminds of the work 1984, ...
Start up
The answer to the first question is a resounding yes: on the Internet there are many opportunities for entrepreneurship. “The business volume is growing at a rate of 40%. It is a very immature market in Spain. There is plenty of space ”, says José Luis Zimmermann, general director of the Spanish Association of Electronic Commerce (Aecem). As for ...
'Cloud computing' for SMEs
"Simplicity is the key," sums up Jorge Hierro, from the Communication Department of Geanet Ondemand. For this reason, the most advisable thing is to choose, initially, to install a free external program that does not compromise the operation of the company. "Our recommendation is that no developments be made, that the money is not spent and that ...