What dangers do QR codes really contain?
QR codes have spread like wildfire in recent years. These useful modules for storing information that are read quickly can lead us to all kinds of information, be it videos, texts, images, etc. and they are increasingly used by advertisers. Actually, QR or bidi codes do nothing more than redirect us to ...
How to differentiate a good boss from a bad one through 12 characteristics
Being a good boss is a difficult task, but completely necessary, since a happy team guided by a good leader capable of making the decisions will lead to a successful, competent and productive company. There is no magic formula that turns a boss into a great boss, but there are certain characteristics shared by leaders least loved by ...
3 keys to Neuromarketing to win over the consumer
What motivates a person to buy? What goes on in your mind during the purchase decision process? The eternal question to which every marketing professional seeks an answer and where Neuromarketing can reveal the most important keys and conclusions. We have always thought that the purchase should follow some logical patterns: ...
What is NeuroMarketing? Neuromarketing studies the brain processes of people and their changes during decision-making in order to be able to predict consumer behavior. It is part of the neurosciences. Neuromarketing identifies the areas of the brain that are involved in the process of buying a product or ...
7 crazy ideas to earn money
1. Virtual Gamer Almost half a million people in China are making money by playing a game, winning the gold and selling it to other players with too much time on their hands and a burning credit card in their pocket! The phenomenon that is World of Warcraft, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, has…
12 creative and unusual ideas for our everyday life
We picked 12 good, creative, unusual, and even weird ideas that can make our lives more comfortable, more fun, and more inspiring. Source: http://marcianosmx.com/