For those who want to discover the latest photographs taken around them via Instagram, what better way to mix the functions of Google Maps and Instagram to locate and view the images, as Instahood and The Beat do. First of all, Instahood is very useful to see the latest pictures taken in the environment where ...

Those who advertise on Facebook have at their disposal a new tool to segment the audience to which they are going to direct their messages. These are "Custom Audiences", a functionality that allows you to search for clients that have common characteristics with existing clients. The tool is now available to all ...

Video editing has become something more and more within everyone's reach and now it is no longer exclusive to experts and professionals in the field. This is due to the numerous tools that fulfill this task by facilitating the management of clips, effects and transitions, turning this activity into a lot ...

Although it has discarded many products over the years, Google is still a company characterized by continuous innovation and presentation of new features. To show a button: a few hours ago I presented Google Keep, an application to take notes in the purest Evernote style. Or, as explained in the official announcement, it's about ...

The YouTube team is celebrating. And, as announced in the official blog of the video storage platform, after eight years at full capacity it has reached 1,000 million unique monthly users. Taking into account that the world population is around 7,000 million people, this means that almost 15% of the ...

Evernote's popular image editing and notes app just got a new update. It is Skitch 2.0, and although with not too big changes, the update brings very interesting news that will surely please the faithful of the application and helps to attract many new users. The first …