What is Phishing?
Phishing is a form of fraud with the aim of trying to obtain from a user their data, passwords, bank accounts, credit card numbers, identities, etc. Summarizing "all possible data" to later be used fraudulently. What does it consist of? It can be easily summed up, deceiving the possible scammer, «impersonating the ...
How many types of spam exist and how to identify them
There are 5 types of spam which are the most common, some of these are sent directly by the user without knowing that they are sending spam, so it must be identified if the emails received are true or not. Spam messages can have the following contents: 1-Rumors or hoaxes (Hoax) As the name ...
What is a Blacklist?
Black Lists (or black lists) were created to help companies and people deal with unwanted messages, Spam's. They are lists that group emails, IP addresses or domains that were previously reported as disseminators of messages considered Spam (unwanted propaganda). Generally the complaint is made by the recipients themselves ...
How to avoid spam in email or email
It has been fighting against spam for years and it has not been achieved, nor can it ever be completely eradicated, but there are a series of essential measures that by using them, reduce the possibility of being affected by spam, they are the following. 1- Use as much as possible an email client that includes an anti-spam filter, although ...
Is it possible to kill through a computer attack?
In 2008, Popular Science magazine revealed that a team of researchers from the universities of Washington and Massachusetts had managed to hack into a pacemaker and remotely manipulate some of its functions. In theory, in this way it would be possible to stop or accelerate it to the death of its wearer. And no, it is not an exclusive matter of the ...
Basic security tips for Joomla
Unfortunately, any system can be compromised. For that reason and because each small barrier adds up, we take a few small steps to make accessing your data a little more difficult and uncomfortable for a hacker who wants to breach the security of a web page made with Joomla !. 1. Hide the folder from ...