Si alguna vez has gestionado servidores para sitios web de alto tráfico, sabrás que encontrar la mejor combinación entre rendimiento y facilidad de administración es clave. Después de probar diferentes soluciones, descubrí WordOps, una herramienta increíblemente eficiente para gestionar servidores con Nginx, y quiero compartir mi experiencia. ¿Qué es WordOps? WordOps es una herramienta de …

Hace unos días, mientras navegaba por internet, me surgió una pregunta que probablemente muchos ingenieros se han hecho alguna vez: «¿Podré hackear este sitio?». No se trata de malicia ni de un deseo de causar daño, sino de un reto personal, una prueba de habilidades. Sin embargo, lo que descubrí no fue solo sorprendente, sino …

Google safe browser is a Google service that examines billions of websites in search of malware or malicious content, this can be an excellent tool that could become a headache if you are a developer since like all systems this is not there free of errors (FALSE POSITIVES). ...

WHAT IS ANONYMOUSFOX? Anonymousfox is a vulnerability of WordPress and different CMS with which vulnerable plugins can be exploited and thus gain access to the files of your cPanel account. Although this is not a problem that affects the integrity of the server on which it is hosted or that can grow horizontally for ...

Iptables is a command line utility for configuring the Linux kernel firewall. The term iptables is also commonly used to refer to such a kernel firewall. It can be configured directly with iptables, or using one of the many existing console and graphics frontend. THE MOST COMMON IPTABLES ARE: BLOCK A PORT:…

Zabbix is one of the most popular monitoring systems, as well as being an open source 100% system and released under the GNU General Public License. Some of the functionalities it has are: High performance and high capacity (possibility of monitoring hundreds of thousands of devices) Auto discovery of servers and devices ...