Manage cPanel email accounts

What is a corporate email from a company or state corporation? Creating a corporate email system is as simple as deploying the right email program with accounts for each user. This email is made up of the name of the company depending on its web domain.

To create email accounts in your Linux hosting plan and cPanel control panel, follow these steps:

cPanel Login

1. Go to your cPanel control panel in Mail, click on Email Accounts, as shown in the following image:


2. The following window will appear:



3. In the form fill in all the data; email name, password, repeat password, and you can put the maximum space for each email account. Then click on Create Account



4. Now it will show you the following screen: indicating the email account created successfully.



4.a. If we want to change password? If we forget our password? We go to the option: Change Password; We put the new password, repeat the new password, and finally press the Change Password button to save the data. View image:



4.b. If we want to modify the space assigned to the mail? Increase or decrease. We go to the Change Quota option; We manually modify the amount of space for the mail and finally we press the Change Quota button to confirm the data.



4.c. To permanently delete an email: we click on the option; Delete, a question will be displayed, answer by clicking on the Delete button, to cancel we click on the cancel option.



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