Reasons to start using Sicofi

Taxpayers are required to invoice, this is highly reflected in any business or company that needs to issue invoices.

For example, you have a business to manufacture face masks and you start selling them online, either on your own page or on another page for example free market, because there will be many buyers who need an invoice for their purchase and what happens if you don't have a system billing, because there will be a lack of control and you will have many problems, therefore, it is very essential to have a billing system.

Sicofi is a billing system that is distributed by Adminit, with this system you will generate Digital Tax Receipts over the Internet (CFDI) that comply with the specifications and standards established by the Tax Administration Service (SAT).

Sicofi issues a wide variety of documents and this is a very important element, since, by having several types of documents, it becomes a more complete billing system,

list of documents issued by Sicofi:

  • Income bills.
  • Credit notes.
  • Debit note.
  • Letter Porte.
  • Payment Complements.
  • Foreign trade, which is very good if we export a product.
  • Payroll.

All these are the documents that Sicofi can issue, but it not only allows us to issue that, it also has other necessary tools, such as:

  • Integrate Addendas.
  • Customize invoice PDF, very important if we want it to be something specific for the client.
  • Sending invoices by mail, with this tool you will have a better segmentation of your invoices towards your clients.
  • Upload of certificates by Digital Seal.
  • Customization of Series and Folios.
  • Generate Electronic Accounting.
  • Request and cancellation of invoices, in case it is necessary to cancel an invoice and you get nervous about what to do, because calm with Sicofi you can do it.

Sifoci has a web page where we can better understand the system with tutorials and a demo, on its page you will find all the more in-depth information about everything that Sicofi offers us.



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