Zuckerberg recoils: Facebook is a means of communication

Mark Zuckerberg change strategy. The creator of Facebook he has always denied that his social network is a means of communication despite the role it has been developing in recent years. But there has come a time when it is so obvious that continuing to deny it would make no sense.

Zuckerberg made a live broadcast on Facebook with Sheryl sandberg, head of operations of the social network. The goal of both was take stock of 2016 and reflect on the future of the company.

In one of the aspects on which the CEO has insisted, it has had a lot to do with the recent turbulent times that the company has lived. According to Zuckerberg, the user can trust Facebook when consuming information. Obviously, this defense has to do with the accusations that the social network has had to face for accommodate false information and hoaxes, thus tilting towards the Republican side the electoral victory of the United States.

This has been the great evidence that has defeated the argument that Zuckerberg has maintained until now. The young billionaire has not tired of repeating in recent years that Facebook is just a tech company that doesn't produce content but creates tools. And the last time was this August before the agency «Reuters»On the occasion of his meeting with the Pope Francisco.

But when taking stock of 2016, the young man made the following statements: «Facebook is a new kind of platform. It is not a traditional technology company. Not a traditional media company. You know, we build technology and we feel responsible for how it is used. We do not write the news that people read on the platform. But, at the same time, also we know that we do much more than distribute news and that we are an important part of the public discourse». Now yes, the social network is identified as a technology company and as a means of communication.

Why Zuckerberg Has Changed His Mind

It is the first time that he does not categorically deny being a means of communication. Still, in the video, Zuckerberg insists that Facebook is not a medium as such because does not create content, but they do generate interaction and influence, more if possible, public opinion. Thus, during the video, he made special mention of the team that is dedicated to fighting this type of content that has so overshadowed his role.


The fact that he now recoils and modifies his speech has a lot to do with the events in which the company has been involved. Without going any further, a few days ago, Germany bet on actively prosecute those responsible for generating fake news on Facebook. In fact, the German Interior Minister recalled: "A company that makes billions at the expense of the internet (referring to Facebook) also has a social responsibility."

And it is not necessary to forget that although Facebook does not write news, if you decide which ones it shows to users through the algorithm of the News Feed who acts as editor, prioritizing some content over others. Also, do not forget about the trends. Facebook was accused of manipulate the «Trending Topics» of the news section in favor of certain interests.

All of this is more than enough evidence to recognize that Facebook is not just a social network. And proof of this is also Instant Articles, a tool that he launched at the beginning of the year after a great agreement with the main media in the world, among them, ABC, which allows the reader a faster loading speed and a more agile reading of the news, with integrated graphics, photos and videos.

Now we will see how the company faces 2017. First, it remains to be seen if Facebook's plan to combat fake news and hate messages is effective. And secondly, what other small steps does it take for the social network to continue on its way as a means of communication.

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