Configure corporate emails on windows phone

To configure our corporate email on our cell phone, the first thing to do is make sure you have:

1. Your email address

2. Password

Within the menu of our phone, we slide to the left and click on settings:



Now we select "mail and accounts"

Correos y cuentas


We select «add account«.

Agregar Cuenta


We click on «advanced settings».



We add the complete email address and your password, once you have placed this information, we select "next".




Now we will select «Internet mail».

correo de internet



Now we will fill in the information with the following data:

Outgoing and / or incoming mail server: (for example "")

Account type: pop3

Username: Full email address

Password: The password of the email account.

Outgoing Server Requires Authentication - Enabled.

Use the same username and password as the incoming server: activated

When we fill in all the fields, we click on "start session"


In this way we will have our corporate email on the cell phone.

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