How to differentiate a good boss from a bad one through 12 characteristics

Be a good boss It is a complicated task, but completely necessary, since a happy team guided by a good leader capable of making decisions will lead to a company successful, competent and productive.

There is no magic formula that turns a boss into a great boss, but there are certain features shared by the leaders least loved by their workers and we show them below: controlling, indecisive, stubborn, resistant to change, fearful, lacking in vision, arrogant, accusing, etc.

Many bosses are unaware that their personality As the leader of a company, you have many of these negative characteristics that hinder the smooth running of your business and make the lives of your employees much more complicated.

One of the keys to the success of a company is that it works well on the inside and is made up of happy workers and emotionally attached to their work, therefore, if you are a boss, avoid including in your personality the following characteristics contained in this infographics:


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