First, lie down on the couch.
Before taking the leap, Coceta recommends carrying out a diagnosis of the situation prior to the transformation process. Ask yourself what reasons lead to the closure of the company (there is no successor in the company? Are there problems in the sector?), Analyze the management (do you have a manager who manages the company globally? responsible people who manage the objectives, personnel and resources –commercial, production, financial administration–? Do you have a strategic plan promoted by all the people of the new cooperative?) Ultimately, it is a matter of assessing whether you have the personnel and resources necessary to continue the activity, which should also include an analysis of customers, suppliers, the market environment and sources of financing.
This self-diagnosis prior to the conversion of the company into a cooperative will allow the new cooperative members "to know what are the shortcomings and the aspects that the new entity must work on more thoroughly," says Coceta.
I want, I can.
Although the workers' commitment to companies, in the case of mercantile companies, “is assumed” (like the value in the extinct military service), in a cooperative it is part of their DNA. For this reason, in the transformation process you must analyze and assess "whether for working people their relationship with the company goes beyond a mere exchange of work for salary". Measure their degree of commitment!
Leadership and much more.
Without the leadership capacity of the entrepreneur or team that carries out the transformation, the process is destined to fail, according to Coceta. Leadership involves “an entrepreneur willing to seek alternatives that facilitate a transformation process”, conducting an individual analysis of the people who are considered relevant in the company and who have leadership, communication and knowledge skills “to continue and consolidate the new project ”, which also“ are motivated and involved with the new and future cooperative company ”.
For Juan Antonio Pedreño, president of Coceta, thanks to this process of change, many companies and people "have survived a closure that clearly seemed irremediable." And all this with a minimum cost, since in the constitution process cooperatives are exempt from paying taxes on the subscribed capital and benefit from lower notarial fees than other companies.
Julio Fernandez
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