Get out of the blockade!


Discover your potential
The worst enemy of a businessman in a crisis situation can be himself. Fear prevents you from seeing all the solutions available to you to overcome the situation. In this sense, San Segundo explains that “anything can be a resource. We are going to see all the knowledge that we have and that we are not evaluating. Now knowledge, human capital, innovation, personal power come into play… Solutions are beginning to appear behind the resources ”.

Do you know how much you are worth?
To overcome this phase of apathy, Reinoso enlisted the help of a coach who asked him the right questions to discover his strengths. As Chema San Segundo explains, “you have to find the real motivation in your own capacities. For entrepreneurs, above all, it is very important because they can make the mistake of evaluating what they are based on a single point of view. If they need financial help, the bank can give them one of the necessary resources, but it will not be the only thing they will need. The experience they have accumulated in their life, their abilities, and even their shortcomings, are also important ”. To get to that knowledge you must look for questions that help you find those answers.

Chema San Segundo gives us some examples: “Imagine that a capitalist partner comes who can contribute money to your company and says: Fernando, I have money, what can you contribute? You have to convince him ... You take a piece of paper and make a list of everything you can give him in return. And many things start to come out. What you have to avoid is falling into the temptation of not valuing all your knowledge. You still know English, you don't consider it important and you discard it, but what if your partner wants to internationalize the company? "

Another question that works well: If you had to tell your grandson, how would you tell him about the battle? Tell your future grandson what you were like when you were 35 years old, what did you know, what were you doing, what happened, how did you react? It will help you to see the problem from another angle, to trace a path ”, he adds.

Inner Fortress

  • Eliminate expressions that limit your ability to do things from your vocabulary, such as "I must not ...", "It is necessary ...", "It is not possible ...", and replace them with positive expressions such as: "I am willing to work for ...", "I am capable ...", "I want ...", " I have decided…".
  • Avoid victimizing language. Replace the expressions you use to blame others for your situation such as "They don't change ...", "It's just ...", "What bad luck!" for others in which you get involved in making decisions and help you take control: "I always get what I set out to do ..."
  • Encourage the language of success: "What can I improve?", "How and when ...?", "I'm going to propose ...".

If there is something that identifies a crisis, it is that it implies a change. A transformation, also, abrupt and almost always unexpected. That is one of the main reasons why they are so painful. Most of the people, and much more when it comes to managing companies, we need to move in a comfortable zone that is almost always characterized by a certain margin of control of the situation. What happens when we lose it? Some are disoriented until they find a new path. Others never find it. Or said in business terms, there are those who are capable of reinventing their business and those who end up closing.

“The word crisis, in the Chinese language, has a double meaning: danger and opportunity. In this context, when a crisis is overcome, of whatever type, it comes out strengthened and with invaluable learning. But for this to be fulfilled and to be able to take advantage of the opportunities it offers us, we need to strengthen creativity and innovation in our companies ”, says Rosa Cañamero.

Offer what the market needs
In order not to be stagnant by the crisis, Fernando Alvarez, promoter of Open Land, a consulting and development company in marketing, online applications and e-learning follows a very logical idea.

“I always equate the market with the times of the gold diggers. I am clear that I am not going to go looking for gold, I am the one who sells the shovels and picks. Those who did business were not those who were looking for gold, only a few got it; those who always did business were those from the living room, those who sold tools… those won yes or yes ”, he assures. And he recommends: “The key in these cases is to detect the current needs of customers, who will continue to ask for things, their needs change, but have others. In the case of services, always look for the mountain where the most people go, the one where the gold has been found. And in products, it detects what is consumed and what is not. And don't waste time trying to sell what is no longer consumed ”.

Decide Under Pressure

First, gather as much information as possible about your company, your resources, the market ... and analyze your possible exits, taking special care not to confuse facts with value judgments. To distinguish between them, use only the variables that you can support with facts and real data and eliminate those that come from expressions such as "I think ..." or "I think ...".

If you are clear about your decisions, “it will be much easier for you to keep them, even if they are not politically correct. You must put them into practice, but always keeping in mind how they will affect employees emotionally. You have to be firm, but manage the effect on the team well. And in this sense it is essential not to make decisions that go against our own values ”, explains Belén Dávila, HR support manager at Randstad.



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