– What price do I put on my work? How to calculate the fee for the provision of professional services, step by step.
– What can I deduct and what not? We identify the main deductible expenses of the self-employed, in what percentages they are, the exceptions to the rule and the red line with the Treasury
– Business opportunities for freelancers. Innovative ideas that require minimal investment, with own resources, fast implementation, with minimal fixed costs and control of collections and payments to generate liquidity ... Those are the golden rules for undertaking alone.
– Business opportunities for professionals. New trends and opportunities for professionals
– Undertake alone. Because being small also has its advantages: flexibility in the face of obstacles and the ability to adapt to the market
– More competitive freelancers. Training to overcome the most common obstacles when developing a business as a freelancer.
– Entrepreneurs by necessity. If you are a victim of the economic crisis, unemployed and with extensive professional experience, starting your own business may be the best life saver.
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