What hours to put your business?


Three conditioning factors 

As simple as that: neither complex mathematical formulas nor pre-established routines. Pure hard experience. According to the experts, that's what it's all about when we talk about setting schedules. “It is necessary to put the three key elements –activity, clients and employees- in a shaker and beat well until finding the answer that best balances all aspects”, points out Antonio Reyero, general director of the consulting firm Actúa. Let's look at these three elements: Activity. Reyero advises analyzing the customs of your sector and your audience. “It is not the same to sell articles of daily consumption than products of sporadic purchases, nor is it the same to offer technical services that require a physical presence in one's own office or that of the client, than consulting services that can be carried out remotely or at longer hours. extensive ”. 

The client. It is very possible that he does not behave in the same way during all the days of the week or during each of the days. Depending on your demand, our business hours can be arranged. It is a bit to apply the formula of Asunción Alonso: if after a few hours I have the establishment empty and, however, outside what I can consider the usual hours it is full, our advice is to delay the opening and closing hours in order to do so better adapt to your audience. Or, the other way around, maybe you want to open before 9:00 to attract all those customers who come into the office at that time. In the words of the director of Actúa, "the more opportunities you give your clients, the more prosperity you provide to your company and, by extension, to all those who work in it". 

Employees. “If the worker is not comfortable with his schedule, he ends up feeling discomfort and absenteeism arrives. It has been proven that a more rational schedule reduces absenteeism by 30% ”, recalls Nuria Chinchilla. Ignacio Buqueras, president of the National Commission for Rational Hours, sums it up with a maxim: "In Spain we have a culture of presence rather than efficiency and what we have is to be efficient in the time we are in the company." It is also necessary to take into account the responsibility of each employee within the organization, because a senior manager, who may have to offer greater availability, is not the same as an administrative one.



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