Openssl vulnerability




Recently Internet services, such as social networks, online sales and purchase pages, among others, are at risk. Sites that have the acronym “HTTPS”, which refer to the fact that the site is safe for your navigation or that we believed until now.

The expert team of Google and the security company Codemicon, discovered one of the most critical vulnerabilities of these times, which affects the OpenSSL library and was called by the name of "heartbleed".

OpenSSl is one of the most widely used cryptography libraries on the web, offering cryptographic functions and other packages for secure access to Internet sites.

The vulnerability allows attackers (hackers) to obtain fractions of memory, among which can be found private keys, credentials, etc. The serious thing about the matter is that the attack can take place silently.

The consequences that may arise would be the following:

  • Obtaining credentials.
  • Personal information used in online services.
  • Username and password for access to emails, social networks, etc.
  • Get information from emails, instant messages, and business or company information.

Precautions to take:

It is advisable to change all access codes, such as username and password of our mail service, social networks, registration on purchase and sale pages, etc. It can be somewhat complicated and would even take time but it is highly recommended to avoid any problems.

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