11 tips from entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs


1. "It is a mistake to think that you only set up your company to earn money"

“If you are only thinking of getting rich, you are going very wrong. You have to have a vocation as an entrepreneur. Consider first what type of company you want to create, and with what future projection. There are entrepreneurs who start their business only because they are unemployed and do not have - or do not see - another way out. It is a continual source of problems. As much as you associate with motivated people, if something goes wrong, you will throw in the towel at the first change ”.

(Javier Carril, co-founder of ExeCoach).

2. "We blur so easily ..."

“Entrepreneurs forget the main objective of a company: sell, sell and sell. Focus on quality and at the time of sale of your product or provision of your service, and on having a good after-sales department. And the rest, subcontract it. Monitor it, but outsource it: both what you do not know how to do and what requires an effort that takes you away from selling. If you dream of your idea instead of the beads, you will come up with many more ideas. But, be careful, that does not mean to ignore you ”.

(Antonio Pedrosa, founder of Ornellas).

3. "You do not sell what you want, but what people want to buy"

“When you start your business, it is not so important to make a perfectly defined three-year business plan as to know where your income will come from. To do it well, you not only have to do the math, you should also go out and talk to potential clients and people in your industry. This will surely lead you to redo your initial idea. A good plan and a market study carried out by the entrepreneur himself, door to door, is a reasonable guarantee of success ”.

(David Pérez García, founder of Damtec).

4. "Don't give it more laps ... and start your company now!"

“If you have already delivered the papers, even if they have not yet gone through the administrative procedures, you can now start operating with your company, taking advantage of the legal loopholes. If you wait to collect the documentation, you may leave clients, waiting periods or leave in a month that may not be the best for your business ”.

(Antonio Pedrosa, founder of Ornellas).

5. "Avoid exaggerations in your business plan"

"Your business plan has to be realistic, nothing of 'we are going to be world leaders, we will conquer the 1% of the Chinese market, we have no competition, our technology is unique'. A plan is still a sale. In fact, the first action of your company is the sale of your company to your investors, whether it is to a bank or to a private investor ... "

(Ramom Nogueira, founder of Alamut).

6. "It doesn't matter when you launch your company on the market"

“Plan and decide the creation of your company in advance, ensuring, whenever possible, that the start of your operations coincides with the calendar year. Do not think of grants as the basis of your company when you want to start a business ... the only thing you will achieve is wasting time. Of course, find out about the exemptions and aid that exist for entrepreneurs ”.

(Ignacio Bao, founder of Bao & Partners).

7. "A good agenda is never a substitute for business planning"

“Entrepreneurs trust too much in our agendas and we think that a business grows just because. We believed that a website and the good reception of our product were enough, but after exhausting our contacts, and until the clients began to repeat, the problem of entering the market and implanting ourselves began ”.

(Daniel Aixelá, founder of Coccions).

8. "Hold on to your payroll"

“If you or any of your partners have a payroll, keep it and combine your work with entrepreneurial activity until the business starts. Although it involves a double effort, if there are problems, it can be a guarantee against an increase in credit ”.

(Yolanda Chía, founder of Bibebrik).

9. "The legal form, taxes, contracts ... all that is the easiest"

“The obstacles you encounter are not usually the ones you anticipate. There are issues that seem difficult and that are resolved by paying 170 euros to a notary. The problems are other: fire regulations, licenses to handle dangerous substances or the need to prepare a project before raising a ship ”.

(Pablo Sanagustín, founder of Arelux).

10. "What have you forgotten that you are going to have competition?"

“In case they haven't told you yet, you're always going to have competition! Before, during ... and after starting your business. A first sign to know if your business plan works (or not) is when you reflect in it that you have no competition or you forget to mention how it is the same. And by competition I do not only mean the direct one, also the indirect one. It is really difficult for you to be alone in the market ”.

(Ignacio Bao, founder of Bao & Partners).

11. “Waiting for customers sitting down? A mistake"

“You cannot open the door of your company and start thinking at that moment about how to capture them. That job you should have done before. The best thing is to have some clients who assure you a minimum of income or, at least, be clear about how they are going to enter your door. First-time businesses are often undercapitalized and cannot drain their resources ahead of time. "



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