5 tips to create a memorable logo


There are few logos that are everywhere like McDonald's or Coca Cola. How can you turn a simple logo into something that will be a permanent part of the cultural lexicon?

Make the logo consistent with your brand and make sure it aligns with the message and values you want to impart to your customers. Which are the core features of your company? The most memorable logos express that.

There are a few strategies to help you get there:

 Simplicity Long ago, the Apple logo had multiple colors. Today a black and white design is used, very different from the original. It's easier to see and cleaner so consumers can more easily remember it. Another key from Apple is that you should not use more than three colors.

- Consistency of the brand. Your logo must communicate certain things to consumers so that they know your brand. So choose the design that fits your business and can deliver that message. If you are a new company, think seriously about the key characteristics of your brand and how you want to translate them into your logo.

- To be remembered. This is the quality that makes your logo easy for your customers to remember and keep coming back. The simplicity makes it memorable but also a little incongruity can help. That is, if they notice something unique and unexpected in your design, it will stand out more than the rest.

- Remarkable. This will help your logo cut through the clutter of your industry to reach your customers, it is a way to show them that they are in and that both are part of the culture.

- Market test. Don't just trust your instincts when designing your logo. One way to test your design is by getting feedback from trusted sources. Before printing your business cards, ask other people's opinions to see if your logo communicates everything you want it to say.



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